American White Ash (Fraxinus spp) - American ash is similar in appearance to European ash. The sapwood is light coloured to nearly white and the heartwood varies from greyish brown to light brown, to pale yellow streaked with brown. The wood is generally straight grained with a coarse uniform texture. The degree and availability of light coloured sapwood , and other properties, will vary according to the growing regions. Ash machines well and can be stained and polished to a very good finish.
Main Uses - Furniture, flooring, doors, architectural and high class joinery, mouldings and kitchen cabinets.
Thickness Available - 1"/ 1.5"/ 2" & 2.5" - random width spec
Main Uses - Furniture, flooring, doors, architectural and high class joinery, mouldings and kitchen cabinets.
Thickness Available - 1"/ 1.5"/ 2" & 2.5" - random width spec